Featured Players

Luke Jenkins. Photo by Jasmyne Douglas

Luke Jenkins. Photo by Jasmyne Douglas

The man who started the revolt: Luke Jenkins


At a university with a seemingly unlimited number of organizations to join, Luke Jenkins managed to see the opportunity for a unique organization for performers to join–Troupe of the Revolt.

Luke is a junior at Texas State University and is majoring in theater. He started Troupe of the Revolt his second semester attending the university. There were several reasons that Luke wanted to create a unique environment for students interested in theater to participate in: the price of good theater, the apparent exclusivity of the theater department, and the increase in theater for entertainment value.

These reasons led Luke to an idea, but what acted as a catalyst was witnessing a man protest in the university’s quad with a crowd gathered around him while he told students they were going to hell.

“I thought the Quad was being completely misused,” Luke said. “I decided to do something different with it.”

So, the idea of a theater group that could perform impromptu plays in public areas around campus, like the quad, was born. In order to make this happen, there were many things that needed to be done. Most importantly, the group needed funding. Luke, with the help of his honors adviser John Hood, applied for Texas State’s Student Undergraduate Research Fellowship, and was rewarded funding.

“At that point I gathered a team of people, we wrote a script and performed it in the quad,” Luke said.

The show was a hit, and caught the attention of many other performers at Texas State seeking to let their voices be heard.

Members talk passionately about the program and about their appreciation for Luke.

“Luke is a special snowflake,” member Tessa Ehrman said. “He is full of so many ideas, and so dedicated and passionate. Basically the perfect leader for a group like this.”

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